Tuesday, December 1, 2009

PRC Color Awards

I think all the pieces in the show fit well together. It seems like they all have some sort of surreal/fantasy quality to them which is caused by the setting in some and how vivid the color is in others. I didn't completely understand Claudia Angelmaier's pieces though. I'm not exactly sure how they're considered photography enough to be getting awards as photographs. Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick's photographs were the most interesting to me. They make a lot more sense with the titles and description, but they were captivating images without them too. Alejandro Chaskielberg's images were also really captivating and surreal with the setting and colors, but became more grounded with their description. The people almost looked like set up miniatures because the grasses are so tall. I'm not really sure if I like the really saturated colors though. Curtis Mann's pieces were interesting but I wasn't really sure about them until reading the description and finding out what he did to the photographs. I think all of the sets of photos fit together into a show pretty well, but Claudia Angelmaier's pieces were the least fitting with the rest.

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